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A 5th Person Has Been Cured Of HIV, Scientists Claim



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Scientists Claim A 5th Person Has Been Cured Of HIV, But Procedure Could Be Fatal For Some

Scientists Claim A 5th Person Has Been Cured Of HIV, But Procedure Could Be Fatal For Some

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a major global public health challenge that does not have a cure till now. Globally, thirty-five million lives has been affected by this virus.

However, according to NBC, a fifth person has likely been cured of HIV.

Per the report, scientists reported that a 66-year-old American man with HIV has possibly been cured of the virus through a stem cell transplant to treat blood cancer.

How does this work exactly? The approach — which has demonstrated success or apparent success in four other cases, uses stem cells from a donor with a specific rare genetic abnormality that gives rise to immune cells naturally resistant to the virus.

Experts have warned against this transplant out of fear that it could prove fatal for some who are already faced with fatal conditions.

HIV affects the immune system and gradually undermines the body defense ability against other infections and cancers. This makes the body more prone to a wide spectrum of diseases than people with normal immune systems.

The transmission of HIV occurs through body fluid (blood, breast milk, semen and vaginal secretions) exchange from infected people. The symptoms of HIV vary according to the stage of infection. During the first few months, infected individuals may experience fever, headache, rash and sore throat. Sometimes, no symptoms are developed.
